Letter to Alice


Dear Alice in wonderland,
I love you! Books do contain pictures. Not all of them, only some of them of course because books exist in unlimited possibilities and unlimited possibilities live within books. They include an unlimited and infinite impossible things. By impossible I mean possible because anything is possible including the impossible as you may have heard. Of course up is down and down is up in wonderland, so do not confuse up with upup and down with downdown. Not everything is as it seems to be on the surface. Books are also a physical form of conversations; however they don’t even have to be physical. Some are, some are not. We even have books that are disguised as computers. They are a record of all that is and all that has been. They are a great resource of information for the growing mind. As the universe expands, so do our minds. Books are everywhere. Books are everyone. Where are you? Who are you? Are you a book? Just kidding, I know you are a child that is growing and learning and exploring all the wonder in the land. You are yourself, you are Alice in Wonderland; but you also live and exist in a book. After all, Wonderland is the book where I found you.
Straight to the heart, from the heart,
Love, Jude